Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Miyajima (宫岛) - Part 2

After having our lunch, we went to this place to learn how to make Momiji manjyuu ( 枫叶馒头)
The Momiji (maple) tree and maple leaf are the official symbol of Hiroshima Prefecture. The Momiji Manjyuu are a famous sweet of Miyajima of Autumn, but you can get it in Miyajima any season.

You need to make reservation before joining the Momiji manjyuu making class. The fees is 735 yen per person.

Let's get started!

Momiji manjyyu usually filled with red bean paste.
You can try out others flavor as well like chocolate, green tea, yam...
Yo, our first two momiji manjyuu are done, but it seems a little over done haha..

Next step is to do the packaging.
Showing off our momiji manjyuu.
Next step, tasting ! Good!
to be continued...

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