Sunday, May 10, 2009

Golden Week (Part 1)

The end of April through 6 May is called "Golden Week" in Japan since there is a cluster of national holidays ocurring within the same week . Golden week would be one of the three busiest holiday seasons other than Obon Week and New year in Japan.29 April is Showa day (昭和の日 showa no hi), the late Emperor Showa's birthday. And, 3 MAy is Constitutional Memorial Day (憲法記念日Kenpou kinen bi ) . Then, followed by Greenery Day ( みどりの日 Midori no hi ) ,this is a day off just for the sake of having a long holiday!

While ,5 May is Children's day (こどもの日 Kodomo no hi ), previously it was called Boy's day but to compensate for the fact of that's Girl's day hence the day officially known as Children's day. Families with sons celebrate by flying Koinobori ( carp Streamer) in front of their homes and praying for the health and prosperity of them. They also pray for all their children's happiness. Regardless of whether the families have a son or daughter, the Koinobori appears in many attractions as well.

It's advised that the foreigner should avoid travelling to Japan during this time coz the public transportations are crowded and congested, furthermore the fees are 15-20 % higher than normal price for some public transports. On the other hand, this is the right time for traveller to have a lovely cultural experience in Japan.

Initially, planning to go Fukuoka but due the cost of the transportation fees and hotel a bit higher at this time. My friends and I decided to stay in Hiroshima. BBQ in the park, the start of my golden week! Thanks Ann for inviting me to the BBQ in the park. Enjoyed the weather, the place, the food and the new friends I have made.

This little hungry boy suddenly ran towards us asking for food.

Golden week to be continued...

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